
Modern Knights, medieval fights!

Historical Medieval Battle Association, or HMBIA, is the international sports organization created to develop, support and promote HMB sport – a unique combination of true sport and historical cultural heritage.

The World National HMB Championship Battle of the Nations is an international event that gathers hundreds of HMB fighters and thousands of HMB fans from all over the World in spectacular cultural locations for several days of intense sports action, exciting shows and an authentic medieval atmosphere.

The first World National HMB Championship Battle of the Nations was held in 2010 in Khotyn Fortress (Ukraine) and since then has appeared in Warsaw (Poland), Aiges-Mortes (France), Trogir (Croatia), twice in Prague (Czech Republic), Barcelona (Spain) and Santa Severa Castle (Italy).

In 2019 the biggest medieval sports event will be held in Smederevo Fortress (Serbia) on 2nd-5th May. Visitors and participants can expect four full days of medieval action and artistic shows, and also will be able to see a never-before-seen battle of two mass armies of knights – Mass Buhurt Battle 150 vs 150!

Touch the living history!

At the location where the tiny river Jezava flows into the great and powerful Danube, where strong east winds blow and where the land connects with the sky in unusual beauty followed by the river murmur, there is a monumental city of Despot Đurađ Branković and his wife Jerina… the Smederevo Fortress. The last capital of the Serbian medieval state, the witness of turbulent historical times at the time of its creation and the largest lowland fortress in Europe, a stone beauty hiding the secrets of the centuries in its high walls, while the myths and legends attract every man by its magnetic force.

The wealthy Serbian ruler invested a lot of effort and treasure into the construction of this grandiose monument of Serbian culture. The 4-meter thick and 10-meter high walls acted as defensive ramparts among which 25 square towers up to 20 meter tall were positioned.
This center of culture was chosen for hosting a grand festival of culture and sport – Battle of the Nations 2019.


Battle of the Nations is the world championship in full contact fighting with steel weapons from the Middle Ages. Fighters are dressed in armor, which is also made according to historical standards. For safety reasons all weapons are blunt and the battles are held under supervision of experienced marshals. Both wrestling and fighting techniques are permitted during the battle, making it spectacular and breathtaking.

Being an international tournament, Battle of the Nations encourages every country to form and develop a national team and compete with the others.

HMB is a sport for everyone – there are both male and female categories

5 types of duel 1 vs 1

Male and female outrance combat

Group battles 5 vs 5

Male mass battles 12 vs 12, 30 vs 30, and 150 vs 150

* Musicians, interactive shows – during all the day all over the fortress

** the programme is subject to change

MAY, 2 | 2019

Opening of the fortress for visitors


Opening of the fortress for visitors


Group stage 5x5 nomination (Main Arena)


Group stage 5x5 nomination (Main Arena)


Official opening ceremony (Main Arena)


Official opening ceremony (Main Arena)


Group stage 5 vs 5 category (Main Arena)


Group stage 5 vs 5 category (Main Arena)


Medieval costume and armor contest (Castle)


Medieval costume and armor contest (Castle)


Women Profights nomination (Profights arena)


Women Profights nomination (Profights arena)


Playoff and Finals of 5 vs 5 category (Main Arena)


Playoff and Finals of 5 vs 5 category (Main Arena)


Closing of the fortress for visitors


Closing of the fortress for visitors


Concerts in the city square

The Rock
Nikola Čubrilo Band
Generacija 5

20:30 – 24:00

Concerts in the city square

The Rock
Nikola Čubrilo Band
Generacija 5

20:30 – 24:00

MAY, 3 | 2019

Opening of the fortress for visitors


Opening of the fortress for visitors


Men and women 1 vs 1 category (Duel Arena)


Men and women 1 vs 1 category (Duel Arena)


Men Profights category (Profights arena)


Men Profights category (Profights arena)


Women 5 vs 5 category (Main Arena)


Women 5 vs 5 category (Main Arena)


Knights tournament in full plate harness (Open Arena)


Knights tournament in full plate harness (Open Arena)


Men 12 vs 12 category (Main Arena)


Men 12 vs 12 category (Main Arena)


Closing of the fortress for visitors


Closing of the fortress for visitors


Concerts in the city square

Stare Kuke
Yu Grupa

20:30 – 24:00

Concerts in the city square

Stare Kuke
Yu Grupa

20:30 – 24:00

MAY, 4 | 2019

Opening of the fortress for visitors


Opening of the fortress for visitors


Men and women 1 vs 1 category (Small Arena)


Men and women 1 vs 1 category (Small Arena)


Men Profights nomination (Profights arena)


Men Profights nomination (Profights arena)


Knights tournament in full plate harness (Open Arena)


Knights tournament in full plate harness (Open Arena)


Men 30 vs 30 category (Main Arena)


Men 30 vs 30 category (Main Arena)


Women All vs All (Main Arena)


Women All vs All (Main Arena)


Closing of the fortress for visitors


Closing of the fortress for visitors


Concerts in the city square

Prljavi Romeo
Orthodox Celts

20:30 – 24:00

Concerts in the city square

Prljavi Romeo
Orthodox Celts

20:30 – 24:00

MAY, 5 | 2019

Opening of the fortress for visitors


Opening of the fortress for visitors


Men and women triathlon category (Small Arena)


Men and women triathlon category (Small Arena)


Men and women Profights finals (Profights arena)


Men and women Profights finals (Profights arena)


Men 150 vs 150 category (Main Arena)


Men 150 vs 150 category (Main Arena)


Award and Closing ceremony


Award and Closing ceremony


Final musical concert. Headliner – Irdorath (Belarus)


Final musical concert. Headliner – Irdorath (Belarus)


Closing of the fortress for visitors


Closing of the fortress for visitors



With great power comes great gains

Cheer for your nation!

Come and cheer for your national team! Over 30 nations will be there, and every tough knight needs a cheering kid (or a thousand) on his/her side. Become an “extra-fighter” for your Nation.

We’re Here For You


Delight yourself and your loved ones with a real medieval souvenir! Authentic replicas of knight weapons made by the best European artisans, exquisite handmade jewelry, stylish leather accessories and funny toys for kids – first wooden swords, bows and a lot more to find.

Energy that Shows


Are you planning to come with your family? Kids archer tournament is waiting for the participants! Experienced instructor will explain and show how to hold the bow and teach how to shoot straight.
Besides for our small guests we have prepared the sets of soft armor and harmless weapons so every kid on our medieval festival could feel himself as a true knight.

Eat, drink and be merry


Our variety of vendors offers festival goers a large selection of family-friendly activities, including games, crafts, and fair traders, as well as various dining options. The medieval market will be absolutely enchanting for all the senses. It would not be a medieval festival without rich, flavorful beer for you to enjoy. The tempting flavour of roasted meat reaches your nose. Freshly drafted beer demands you to stop for a moment of contemplation while you take in all these amazing impressions. Sit back and enjoy a filling meal while listening to live music playing by minstrels.

Where words leave off, music begins


The hum of bagpipes and the staccato of drums combined with swords’ songs makes every visitor’s heart skip a beat. The period of the Middle Ages saw a huge growth in the number of Medieval musicians who were employed both in the great courts of the era and also in the towns throughout the lands. Modern minstrels greet all the guests and appeal to the eye, the ear, the heart of the battle viewers being a good addition to the spectacular show.


Fan Tour to Battle of the Nations: have a good and useful rest!

Dear friends! The May holidays are not only the time for the World Championship in historical medieval battle, but also an excellent opportunity to have a vacation in sunny and hospitable Serbia. This is understood not only by us, but also by a huge number…

#botnX #norway #battleofthenations #debut #Serbia #Smederevo#fortress #HMB #WorldChampionship Battle of the Nations sees its 10th edition this year and once again more countries have joined the already impressive list of participants. One of the newcomers in this celebratory edition is the land of the Viking spirit: Norway. HMBIA News spoke with their...

Press accreditation for Battle of the Nations 2019!

#botnX #press #accreditation #battleofthenations2019 #Serbia #smederevo #journalist #photographer #HMB #HMBsport #media All journalists, photographers, press and other representatives of any media. We would like to inform you that press accreditation is obligatory for work at the Battle ofthe Nations 2019. You can get it by...


PLACE     Smederevo Fortress

Attention to all HMB fans all over the world!

For the first time in the history of the Battle of the Nations world championship we will offer a special fan tour! Support your team and enjoy the comfort and care of hospitable Serbia.

We have developed a special arrangement for you, so you can combine supporting your team at the Battle of the Nations-2019 with having a wonderful holiday in a colourful and sunny country!

Our primary concern is your well-being. That is why we created this offer in cooperation with iSerbia Travel & Events, an experienced and reliable tourism specialist in Serbia.

Our Russian guests are served by the Neda tour company. This agency doesn’t just specialise in organising trips to countries in the Balkan Peninsula, this company regularly works with athletes and has a firm foundation in the preparation of training camps. You can also buy airline tickets at a discount through our contact persons. All our partners work hard to ensure our athletes and fans.

This tour includes:


your unlimited pass to all zones on all days of the event, as well as nice bonuses and discounts from Smederevo partner restaurants (look for the KNIGHT FRIENDLY sign)


Accommodation in Belgrade hotel of category 4 * from May 1 to May 6


Transfer Airport-Hotel-Airport

and Daily transfer Belgrade – Smederevo – Belgrade


Breakfast (no, this is not a continental breakfast. Serbia enjoys every meal as if it were the last … Be prepared!)


Tour of Belgrade with a professional guide

Notice: Flight tickets are not included in the package price, but our partners are willing to help you find the most profitable options!

Now, how do you book? That’s simple.

Fans from all countries of the world (except Russia and the CIS countries) will be served by managers – Milorad and Diana. To book your Battle of the Nations 2019 fan tour, contact them:

Whatsapp: +381 65 8128743
Diana: +381 643064515

HMB lovers from Russia and the CIS countries can book their fan tour by contacting managers:

1. Ivan (Моscow)
Whatsapp: + 7 915 031 75 04
2. Krum (St. Petersburg)
Whatsapp: +7 981 187 2131

Photo and Video Policy

General Attendees

The general public is permitted to use hand-held cameras and/or smart phones to take photographs and capture digital images at the World Championship in HMB Battle of the Nations 2019 (the holder of intellectual property rights of the event is HISTORICAL MEDIEVAL BATTLE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION ) and within the event venue for personal, non-commercial use, provided the photography is not disruptive. Registrants may take photos from their seats, as long as they are not standing in the press area, obstructing views or using flash after the battle begins. Photographs may not be published, sold, reproduced, transmitted, distributed or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever.

Video recordings are not permitted for the general public at any time.

By attending the event, you consent to having your image captured by official HMBIA photographers and videographers. The resulting materials, including still photographs, video and audio recordings may be used by HMBIA, without restriction, in news materials, promotional materials, on the HMBIA web site and other properties.


The participants are permitted to use hand-held cameras and/or smart phones to take photographs and capture digital images at the World Championship in HMB Battle of the Nations 2019 (the holder of intellectual property rights of the event is HISTORICAL MEDIEVAL BATTLE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION ) and within the event venue for personal, non-commercial use, provided the photography is not disruptive.

Professional photography and videography is permitted at the event only with press credentials and a signed agreement provided by the HMBIA Press Department. By accepting press credentials, you agree to the terms detailed in this Photo and Video Policy.

In order to protect HMBIA and the rights of artists and participants, including but not limited to copyrights and rights of publicity, videography for news coverage, reviews and interviews is permitted and restricted as follows:

No filming or photography may impede the ingress or egress of the lists and tribunes.

Your  press credentials and a participant badge will NOT allow you to audio or video stream, broadcast or otherwise transmit, retransmit or copy in any form any Battle of the Nations tournaments, activities, artist performance or film  longer than 60 continuous seconds. To request additional content capture rights, a specific agreement must be made with HMBIA.

Video recording of any kind is not allowed in the marked participants area without prior approval from the HMBIA Communication Department.

GoPro Regulations

* Each national team can equip a maximum of two fighters with an action camera

* The action cams can either be chest mounted. Only one helmet mounted camera is allowed per national team.

* A helmet with a mount can only be used while actually filming and not without an active camera inside.

* The owner of the camera/footage enters into a formal agreement with the HMBIA about the photographs/footage

* The owner of the camera/footage undertakes to provide all the materials to HMBIA entirely free of charge including exclusive copyright and moral rights to use the photo and video material in any form and on a permanent basis. HMBIA reserves the right to independently manage and/or edit the photo and video material.

* The owner of the camera/footage reserves the non-exclusive right to use materials for his own non-commercial projects. For commercial projects, a specific agreement must be made with HMBIA.

* All the photo and video materials must be transferred to HMBIA no later than 10 days from the date of the event at which they were made.

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